Amazon KDP Sales Calculator

How many times does a bestselling book sell per day?

Good day! With the Ebook KDP sales calculator, you can estimate how many times a book sells every day on Amazon. All you need to do is provide the book's Best Sellers Rank, which you can find near the bottom of any Amazon book page.

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The KDP sales calculator is a free tool to use at any time. If you find this tool useful, all we ask is you share the calculator with other authors. We invite you to link to this page from your own website and share the calculator on social media. Thank you!

How to use the KDP Sales Calculator

It couldn't be easier. Just type the book's Best Sellers Rank into the box above, then click ESTIMATE SALES. Our calculator will reveal the number of books the author sells each day to maintain this rank.

Wondering where to find the book's Best Sellers Rank? 

Call up any book you're interested in on Amazon. Scroll down the page until you find the Product Details. Now locate the Best Sellers Rank, which is located just below the print length.

amazon best sellers rank example

Amazon Sales Calculator: Common Questions


Q: According to the calculator, my book should sell 15 times per day. But when I check my sales, I'm only selling 5 books per day. What's going on?

A: Your book is probably available to borrow through Kindle Unlimited. With its Best Sellers Rank, Amazon treats a Kindle Unlimited borrow as a sale. The trouble is, Amazon hid the number of borrows from authors several years ago. No KDP sales calculator can give you the exact number of sales per day, but ours comes pretty close! The good news is, if you see a rising rank and you're in Kindle Unlimited, you should see a rise in page reads in the coming weeks.

Q: My book's sales rank fluctuates wildly from hour to hour. Is that normal?

A: Yes, it's quite normal. Amazon's sales rank is updated frequently, and even small numbers of sales or borrows can cause large fluctuations, particularly for books with higher (worse) sales ranks.

Q: Why are my estimated sales higher than my actual royalty payment?

A: There could be various reasons. Your royalties depend on the price of your book and the distribution channel, among other factors. Also, if you're enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, borrows might impact your sales rank without providing immediate revenue.

Q: How does a book promotion or discount affect my sales rank?

A: Running a promotion or temporarily lowering your book's price can result in a short-term boost in sales, which will positively affect your sales rank. However, it might take some time for this change to reflect in your sales rank and the subsequent estimated sales.

Q: Do pre-order sales affect my sales rank?

A: Pre-order sales do count towards your sales rank but are usually calculated on the actual release date of the book. This can lead to a sudden and significant improvement in your sales rank.

Q: Why is my newly published book not showing any sales rank at all?

A: It takes a few sales and possibly up to a day or two for a new book to receive a sales rank. Don't worry if you don't see a rank immediately after your book goes live.

Q: Does the calculator account for seasonality or holidays?

A: No, the calculator provides a rough estimate based on current sales rank. Seasonal events, holidays, or other market fluctuations are not accounted for in these estimates.

Q: How accurate is this sales calculator?

A: The calculator offers a close estimate based on general assumptions and available data. Actual sales can vary widely due to a multitude of factors. Use this tool as a guideline.


Understanding Amazon's Best Sellers Rank (BSR)


What is Best Sellers Rank?

Amazon's Best Sellers Rank, commonly known as BSR, is a numerical ranking assigned to each product sold on Amazon, including books. The BSR is designed to represent the popularity of a product within its specific category or subcategory. For books, this includes various formats like Kindle eBooks, hardcovers, and paperbacks. A lower BSR number indicates higher sales and vice versa. For example, a book with a BSR of #1 is currently the best-selling book in its category, while a book with a BSR of #1,000,000 likely sells very infrequently.

How is BSR Calculated?

Amazon does not publicly disclose the specific algorithm or criteria they use to calculate BSR, making it something of a black box. However, it is generally believed to be influenced by the following factors:

1. Recent Sales Velocity: The number of units sold in a recent time frame. The more recent the sale, the more it impacts the BSR.

2. Historical Sales Data: While recent sales carry more weight, historical sales data is also considered to provide a more stable ranking.

3. Category Competition: The number of other products in the same category affects how easily a product can climb or fall in BSR.

4. Price: Some speculate that the sale price of a product may also influence its BSR, with higher-priced items potentially having a harder time achieving a low (better) BSR.

5. Kindle Unlimited Borrows: For Kindle eBooks, borrows from Kindle Unlimited are believed to be treated the same as sales for the purpose of calculating BSR.

What BSR Doesn't Account For

1. Reviews and Ratings: Contrary to popular belief, customer reviews and ratings do not directly impact BSR, although they may influence sales, which in turn affects BSR.

2. Returns and Refunds: It is unclear how Amazon handles returns and refunds in the context of BSR. Some suggest that a returned product could negatively impact the BSR, but this has not been confirmed.

3. Time on Market: The age of the product or book is generally not a direct factor in BSR calculation, although older products may have a more stable BSR due to historical sales data.

By understanding the factors that are likely to influence BSR, authors and sellers can make more informed decisions about pricing, promotions, and inventory management. However, it's important to remember that while BSR can be a useful metric, it should not be the sole criterion for evaluating the success of a product or book.


Tips for Improving Your Best Sellers Rank (BSR)

Improving your BSR on Amazon can significantly boost your book's visibility and sales. While the exact formula for calculating BSR remains a trade secret, there are some tried-and-true strategies that can help you climb the ranks:

1. Quality Over Quantity
Ensure your book is professionally edited, well-formatted, and has an attractive cover. A higher-quality book is more likely to attract positive reviews, which can, in turn, boost sales.

2. Optimize Keywords and Categories
Amazon allows you to select two categories and several keywords for your book. Choose these wisely, and make sure they are highly relevant to your book's content. This will make it easier for potential buyers to find your book.

3. Run Limited-Time Promotions
Utilize Amazon's Kindle Countdown Deals or Free Book Promotion options if you're enrolled in Kindle Direct Publishing Select. This can give you a short-term boost in sales, helping to improve your BSR.

4. Bundle Your Books
If you've written multiple books, consider creating bundles. This not only provides value to the customer but also increases your sales velocity, impacting your BSR positively.

5. Leverage Social Media and Email Marketing
Use social media platforms and email newsletters to keep your audience engaged. Announce new releases, special promotions, or interesting facts about your book to keep interest alive.

6. Get Reviewed
While reviews don't directly impact BSR, they do influence buyer behavior. More positive reviews can lead to more sales, thereby improving your BSR. Consider using services like BookBub or Goodreads to get initial reviews.

7. Experiment with Pricing
Sometimes, lowering your book's price for a limited period can result in increased sales. Conversely, a higher price might convey the quality and attract a different set of readers. Experiment to find the price that maximizes both sales and revenue.

8. Use Amazon Ads
Consider using Amazon's advertising platform to promote your book. You can target specific customer segments or keywords, helping to increase visibility and sales.

9. Analyze and Adapt
Keep an eye on your sales, BSR, and customer reviews. Use these insights to adapt your marketing strategies. What works for one book may not work for another, so be prepared to pivot your tactics.

10. Diversify Distribution
While focusing on Amazon is essential for improving your BSR, don't neglect other platforms like Apple Books or Barnes & Noble. Wider distribution can lead to more sales overall, indirectly improving your BSR on Amazon as well as word of mouth spreads.

By incorporating these strategies into your marketing and publishing efforts, you'll be better positioned to climb the Amazon BSR ladder. Remember, improving your BSR is often a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency and quality are key.